India’s former mental health trainer Paddy Upton has revealed how crucial a stature Sachin Tendulkar held in the 2011 World Cup-winning squad. India won its second ICC Cricket World Cup trophy in 2011 and 1st Cricket World Cup as hosts.
Before this, team India had won only a single Cricket World Cup way back in 1983 under the captaincy of Kapil Dev beating the mighty West Indies in the final.
After the success, many cricketers, including the current Indian captain, Virat Kohli, stated that we wanted to win the world cup for Sachin as he had carried the burden of the entire nation on his shoulders for a very long time.
“Tendulkar was a rock of stability, a wealth of experience, and an inspiration. With the younger players, he was helping them to learn from his success and errors, rather than them having to make errors and learn from their own errors. Tendulkar also served as a source of inspiration to many players,” Upton stated.
Paddy Upton added, “Many had additional goal added to their personal goal of wanting to win the World Cup to honor Tendulkar, as an icon and role model to many players, giving him a World Cup trophy to add to his list of achievements. This World Cup was one of the only Milestones that Tendulkar hadn’t yet achieved or been part of.”